Last week I shared my experience growing up in a home with a parent that suffered from severe mental health disorders. Roughly five percent of all Americans are diagnosed with serious mental illnesses each year. Over 60 percent of these 16 million-plus individuals are parents. Mental illness is something that has impacted all of us in big and small ways.
As a follow-up to my last post, I wanted to share some resources with you to help you on your journey whether it is as a caregiver of someone with mental health difficulties or you yourself suffer from a mental illness:
800-273-8255 - National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
National Alliance on Mental Illness: NAMI.org. They have offices in all 50 states.
Talkspace Teletherapy
60 Digital Resources for Mental Health - Social Work License Map
Caring for Someone with Mental Illness - Better Health Channe;
National Institute of Mental Health: NIMH.gov
Mental Illness And The Family: Recognizing Warning Signs And How To Cope - Mental Health America